With the ever-increasing concerns around Coronavirus (COVID-19), our top priority at Fleet Luxury is the health and safety of our staff and customers. We’ve taken proactive steps and are following the latest Government advice to minimise all risks. Many of our staff are now working from home and all client meetings are being held via phone or video call. Our buildings are being sanitised three times daily and we have implemented rigorous social distancing measures to protect those staff who continue to work on site to ensure the smooth running of the business. Whilst adhering to stringent sanitation measures, our warehouse continues to operate as usual to ensure the prompt picking and delivery of all our customer orders. We have robust contingency plans in place and will continue to monitor the situation and make necessary adjustments to ensure we continue to meet the needs of all our valued customers. In the meantime, we do recommend that you plan ahead and place your next order in good time to ensure you have sufficient stock in production or storage to reduce the risk of any supply chain difficulties in the coming weeks. If you have any questions with regard to your orders please contact Richard Bonnington, Sales Director, or your usual Fleet contact on 01634 730334 or email enq@fleetluxury.com.
What Fleet Luxury is doing to keep to business as usual in the face of COVID-19 challenges
Updated: Mar 19, 2020